Routine dental cleanings are enough for many people to keep their teeth and gums healthy. But for those who suffer from advanced gum disease or deep-rooted bacteria below the surface layer of enamel in the mouth’s chewing area – a full-scale appointment with an experienced dentist may be needed!
Deep teeth cleaning, also called root planing and scaling, is a procedure often used to treat gum disease. It involves removing plaque and tartar from below the gum line and smoothing out rough spots on the teeth roots where bacteria can hide.
Deep dental cleaning, often referred to as scaling and root planing, is a procedure to remove tartar (calculus) and bacteria from your teeth and gums. This type of cleaning is usually recommended for people who have periodontal disease.
Periodontal disease is a gum infection that can damage the supporting structures of the teeth, including the periodontal ligaments and the alveolar bone. If left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss.
Regular dental cleaning is a preventive procedure to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums. This type of cleaning is usually recommended for people who do not have periodontal disease. Regular dental cleanings can help prevent the development of periodontal disease.
Deep dental cleaning is a more extensive procedure than a regular dental cleaning. The dentist or hygienist will use special instruments to clean below the gum line during a deep dental cleaning. They will also scale (remove tartar) and root plane (smooth the roots of the teeth). Deep dental cleaning is usually performed in two visits. The first visit will involve scaling and root planing. The second visit will be for a re-evaluation to ensure the procedure was successful.
Regular dental cleaning is less extensive than a deep dental cleaning. The hygienist or dentist will remove tartar and plaque from your teeth and gums (above the gumline) during routine dental cleaning. They will also polish your teeth. Regular dental cleanings are usually performed in one visit.
Individuals who have not had their teeth cleaned by a dentist in over a year, or those with gum disease, are generally recommended to undergo a deep dental cleaning. During this procedure, the dentist or hygienist will remove tartar and plaque from below the gum line and any other built-up debris. Deep cleanings are generally more expensive than regular cleanings and may require multiple visits to the dentist. However, they are often covered by dental insurance plans.
Deep cleanings are essential to avoid gum diseases that may or may not show symptoms in their early stages. However, as the disease progresses, symptoms like bleeding gums, bad breath, and recession of the gums may show up. If gum disease is ignored for a long time, it can lead to tooth loss.
Note that deep cleanings are one way to keep your teeth and gums healthy. However, they are not the only way. You must put in the effort to brush and floss your teeth daily and visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings to maintain your oral health. The need for deep cleanings can be avoided if you can manage to prevent gum disease and other dental problems by taking good care of your teeth.
There are both pros and cons of having deep dental cleaning done. Some of the benefits include:
Some of the disadvantages include:
The deep cleaning process involves:
First, an ultrasonic scaler is used to remove any tartar above and below the gum line.
Next, a manual or power toothbrush is used to clean all surfaces of your teeth.
Finally, a polishing paste is used to polish your teeth and remove any remaining plaque.
Deep dental cleanings are usually done over the course of two or three visits to the dentist, depending on the severity of the tartar build-up. After the procedure is complete, you’ll likely need to have your teeth cleaned more often than usual to prevent the tartar from coming back.
Aftercare of deep dental cleaning is essential to prevent infection and ensure proper healing. Below are some aftercare instructions:
If you think your teeth require a deep cleaning, or if it has been over a year since your last professional teeth cleaning, make an appointment with us. Care Family Dental Toorak will assess your individual needs and recommend the best course of treatment. Call us on (03) 9999 3328 or drop an email at . to book an appointment.
First and foremost, it’s essential to consult with your dentist to see if you need deep teeth cleaning. While most people will benefit from regular, routine teeth cleaning, some individuals may require more intense scaling and root planing – this is generally referred to as “deep teeth cleaning.” So, who might need deep teeth cleaning? People who have noticeably accumulated tartar on their teeth or have gingivitis are good candidates for the procedure. If gum disease is more advanced, then more extensive treatment may be required – but your specialist may advise you on the best course of action.
Yes, deep dental cleaning is safe. It’s a standard procedure that has been performed for many years. However, it’s always essential to consult your dentist before undergoing any dental procedure to ensure it’s right for you. Deep dental cleaning is typically recommended for people who have periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a condition that occurs when plaque and bacteria accumulate on the teeth and gums, resulting in inflammation and damage to the tissues supporting the teeth. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss.
Deep dental cleaning is a procedure performed by a dentist or dental hygienist to clean plaque and tartar from teeth below the gum line and to smooth the roots of teeth to prevent future tartar build-up. While deep cleaning is not typically considered a painful procedure, some patients may experience discomfort during the treatment. Your dentist can provide you with a numbing gel to help reduce any pain you may feel. After your deep cleaning, your dentist will likely recommend that you have your teeth professionally cleaned every three to six months to maintain healthy gums and promote good oral hygiene habits to be added to your daily routine.